Composition of the Scientific and Organizing Committees

Local Organization Committee:

• Nenad Filipovic, University of Kragujevac, (Chairperson)
• Milos Kojic, BioIRC - University of Kragujevac
• Veljko Milutinovic, University of Belgrade
• Miroslav Trajanovic, University of Nis
• Neda Vidanovic, University of Kragujevac (Secretariat)
• Dalibor Nikolic, BioIRC - University of Kragujevac (Logistics)
• Radivoje Radakovic, BioIRC (Logistics)

ICCB International Steering Committee:

• Miguel Cerrolaza (CIMNE - UPC, Spain)
• Jean-Louis Coatrieux (Université de Rennes, France)
• Manuel Doblaré (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
• Marie Christine Ho Ba Tho (UTC, France)
• Sergio Oller (CIMNE - UPC, Spain)
• Helder Rodrigues (IST - TU Lisbon, Portugal)
• Harry van Lenthe (KU Leuven, Belgium)
• Marco Viceconti (University of Sheffield, UK)

Scientific Committee

• Z. Car, Croatia
• M. Cerrolaza, Spain
• L. Chèze, France
• J.L. Coatrieux, France
• M. Doblaré, Spain
• G.A. Dubini, Italy
• T. Exarchos. Greece
• M. Ferrrari, USA
• S. Ferguson, Switzerland
• N. Filipovic, Serbia
• D. Fotiadis, Greece
• J.M. García Aznar, Spain
• C. Gasser, Sweden
• D. Garzon, Colombia
• C. Hellmich, Austria
• MC. Ho Ba Tho, France
• G.A. Holzapfel, Austria
• M. Kojic, USA
• D. Lacroix, UK
• Z. Markovic, Serbia
• R. Muller, Switzerland
• J. Noailly, Spain
• N. Nuño, Canada
• S. Oller, Spain
• D. Pioletti, Switzerland
• P. Pivonka, Australia
• L.R. Rakotomanana, France
• H. Rodrigues, Portugal
• O. Röhrle, Germany
• J.M.R.S. Tavares, Portugal
• S. Shefelbine, USA
• D. Suarez, Colombia
• R. Stojanovic, Montenegro
• M. Trajanovic, Serbia
• J. Vander Sloten, Belgium
• H. van Lenthe, Belgium
• H. van Oosterwyck, Belgium
• B. van Rietbergen, The Netherlands
• P. Vena, Italy
• A. Bhaskar, UK
• O. Altwijri, Saudi Arabia
• M. Viceconti, UK

Saturday, July 27, 2024



BioIRC R&D Center Kragujevac 


Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac

Kragujevac University

University of Kragujevac


University of Belgrade

 Supporting organizations

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of The Republic of Serbia

The Ministry of Education, Science
and Technological Development of
The Republic of Serbia


European Society of Biomechanics